Seizure Awareness


  Living with Epilepsy?

  Epilepsy can make life difficult when SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy) is a possible, though rare, occurrence. Epilepsy can affect a person in different ways and can stimulate neurons dangerously, causing sudden faintings, comas, or death. While that is a possibility for some, others with epilepsy have it easier with less severe seizures and can bounce back easily. However, epilepsy produces seizures that happen repeatedly which can be dangerousn without treatment. Epilepsy is like when your kid gets electrocuted more than once or when you are in a sudden shock attack. Being aware of how to live with epilepsy is important, and if you have a friend you know who gets seizures it is advised for you to share information or help them, especially if you see them experiencing a seizure.


  How do people with seizure disorders live?

  People who live with seizures aren't that different from others. They have normal lives, but are impacted by symptoms and medical conditions. There are things they have to do to live their life regularly that other people don't consider as much; for instance, it's important for them to have a regular sleep schedule and watch what they drink. Seizures are triggered by neurons overfiring, so stimulatory chemicals or caffeine can't be consumed as much due to risks of producing them. Sleep deprivation also causes issues with neurons and can harm the health and life of people with epilepsy.


  What difficulties do people with seizure disorders face?

  One difficulty people with seizures have are lifespan risks. Seizures are often unpredictable, and people affected don't always know if their effects will be severe and painful or lesser, regular shock pain. Other difficulties include behavioral actions, such as confusion or irritability that seizures cause, which society doesn't recognize. Having others accept and learn about these situations is beneficial to people with epilepsy, helping them stay calmer and feel more accepted at all times.